Support Groups

Our Christian faith is clear: God has not designed us to navigate difficult times of our lives alone. We have all been called to reach out and lean on each other during challenging chapters of our lives. Support and recovery ministries offer venues for face-to-face validation and care.


Contact Mark Smith at for dates and times.

Parlor, Chapel, Conference Room

GriefShare is a small group, video and discussion ministry, to support people who are navigating a season of loss. Hosted usually twice a year at First Pres based on need. GriefShare lasts 13 weeks. Although each person’s experience of loss is unique, there are many common elements that everyone faces. No cost. For info: Mark Smith at

Stephen Ministry

Contact Mark Smith at for dates and times.

First Pres Kingwood

Stephen Ministers are trained, lay Christian covenant partners of our church, who have committed to serving in this one-on-one ministry to folks in need of support and encouragement. Stephen Ministry care receivers include any adult going through a tough season of loss or change: job loss, new, baby, loss of loved one, health crisis, or any other challenging chapter of life. Steven Ministers meet with their care receivers once a week for about an hour to receive encouragement, support, and prayer. Stephen Ministry care is confidential. No cost. For info: Mark Smith at

Sent Groups

The Vision

The vision is this: that every covenant partner and active participant in the life of our church would be connected to a group…we call them “Sent Groups.” These groups are relationally-focused, geographically-based groups of 15-20 adults that exist for congregational care during times of crisis. Anytime trouble comes, these groups  activate and reach out to one another to ensure that everyone is safe, has what they need, and knows that they are loved.

How Does it Work?

The only way to do this is to have everyone on board! These groups are lead by staff and our ordained elders and deacons, but the real work is left to the covenant partners and active participants in the life of First Pres. You can follow the link below to register for a Sent Group today!

Current Focus

Help our community be prepared for unexpected disasters such as heavy rains, flooding, and tornados. Members of the SENT GROUPS can reach out to each other when inclement weather is in the forecast, make sure members have an emergency plan in place, remind members to keep all devices charged, etc… These simple things help us stay connected and enables us to care for one another and pray for one another. We genuinely hope that you will all join us in this effort and sign up this Sunday!

Join a Sent Group today!

Click here


If you have any questions, contact Mark Smith at