
The First Pres Senior Ministry provides specific needs to our senior adults and community through prayer ministry, missions for the community, bible studies, online Sunday worship (which is a lifeline to some directly into their home), fellowship through activities, and day trips. Most importantly, this is all done with the deepest sensitivity and respect for our senior covenant partners.

Upcoming Events

Friday Lunch

12:00 pm – 2:00 pm

First Pres Fellowship Hall

Come join us for a delicious lunch along with an entertaining program!

2nd Friday Caregiver Support Group

10:30 am – 11:30 am

First Pres Church, Parlor

2nd Tuesday Lunch

12:00 pm (Noon)

Restaurant TBD each month

Contact Lisa Cummins ( for more details.


Email Lisa Cummins at or call the front desk at 281-360-5555