Who We Are

Values and Direction

Jesus invites every person to become his disciple. It is an invitation to trust him, to follow him, and to become like him.
Each disciple is called to make disciples who make disciples. This is how we grow.

We are called to be Disciple-Making Disciples who are…

Biblically Literate

2 Timothy 3:16-17 — In order to be disciple-making disciples of Jesus, we must be intimately familiar with the biblical narrative and its “SO WHAT” application to our lives. God’s Word is the first and final authority in all areas of faith and life.

This is who and what we know.

Spiritually Formed

Romans 12:1-8 — Becoming like Jesus is a “whole person project.” The Holy Spirit in us transforms us from the inside out and changes how we live and move in this world as we anticipate his coming again and life in the next.

This is how we are transformed.

Mission Focused

Genesis 22:17-18 — The blessing and responsibility given to Israel extends to the church; therefore, the church does not exist only for the benefit of its members; rather, its members are sent into the world, a blessed people who bless people.

This is how we love others.

Gospel Fluent

Acts 2 — Disciples of Jesus are fluent in the gospel of Jesus, the good news of the coming of the Kingdom of God. This gospel and the kingdom life is visible most clearly in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.

This is how we live.


Click here to read the foundational beliefs behind our church and our denomination.

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Our Team

Chad Erb

Sr. Pastor

Ext. 105

Roland Zavala

Executive Pastor

Ext. 104

Sabrina Hergert

Associate Pastor of Discipleship and Spiritual Formation

Ext. 117

Dr. Mark Smith

Commissioned Lay Pastor

Ext. 106

Lisa Cummins

Ministry Associate and Senior Ministry Coordinator

Ext. 109

Tammy Waldrop

Director of Music

Ext. 108

Beth Jewett

Director of Family Discipleship

Ext. 118

Margie Freeman

Children's Ministry Associate

Ext. 118

Kevin Keenan

Director of Student Ministry

Luisa Keenan

Student Ministry Associate

Emily Omaña

Connections Coordinator

Ext. 103

Catherine Simpson

Director of Accounting & Finance

Ext. 114

Danny Rossi

Sound Coordinator

Ext. 135

Noah Zavala

Communications Coordinator

Ext. 135