
PRAYER works! Thank you for keeping our covenant partners and their families in your prayers this week. We do our best to keep prayer requests updated daily; however, if you see a request listed that is no longer accurate, we would love to know the update. This helps guide the Care Team and covenant partners who receive the daily prayer lists on how to pray for the requester’s specific needs. If the requester is not able to express their needs but allows someone else to express their needs, they can contact Lisa at the office or submit an update with a new prayer request.

Susie Swaner

met with a Specialist for possible procedure to prevent infections. Prayers for scheduling procedure.

Glenda Chaney

is doing well from knee replacement surgery and thanks everyone for their prayers.

Becky Dietrich

is in excruciating pain that is affecting mobility and extending her recovery following back surgery. Further testing being done to diagnose cause.

Eric Gross (Larry & Charlotte Gross’ son)

recovering from brain surgery and waiting on pathology report.

Len Schwartz

is home from NE Memorial Hermann for heart issues. He’s feeling much better.

Carol Hunt

is scheduled for a full knee replacement on Tuesday, February 4th.

Ira Guel (CC Lawn owner and First Pres Landscaper)

is scheduled to have open heart surgery on Tuesday, February 4th downtown at St. Luke’s. He will be hospitalized for 4-5 days.

The Family of Uncle Steven, (Kaleigh Garrett’s uncle)

following his passing on January 21st from Pancreatic cancer. A memorial will be held some time late February.

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